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Personal AI Assistant for Books

Transform your reading experience with Readomind AI.
Get personalized insights, summaries, and interactive learning tools for any book you are reading.

We are working on a first version of the app

Upload books and indexing

Upload your books and documents in various formats. Our system automatically processes and indexes the content, making it searchable and ready for AI-powered analysis.

Processing complete67%
Smart Analysis

Cursor for your documents

Experience intelligent document analysis powered by AI. Our advanced algorithms help you understand, summarize, and extract key information from your documents with ease.

Setting up context for AI

Easily customize the context for AI to understand your documents. You can add or remove documents from the context and specify pages to include.

Chat with Documents
Smart Visualization
AI-Powered Research
Research & Learning

For researchers and students

Perfect for academic research and study. Create summaries, extract citations, generate study materials, and understand complex topics with AI-powered assistance.


Organize content with workspaces

Keep your research organized with smart workspaces. Group related documents, share with team members, and maintain a clear structure for your projects.

Research Project

Document 1
Document 2
Document 3